BUT, in an 'authoritative' way - meaning only knowledge deep down esteems. For example see the 60s Antigone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGTAbx0BW7I all Creon's mates, and not so matey peeps, telling him what a plonker he was in second half, there is no question (the plot/dialog/scene design show ) he would even think of biting their head off for constructive criticism, even when it drove him nuts.
THE PAGES (linked above) will each have a useful theme to maybe assist the younger person curious about politics and society - where maybe we really are.
Then - long planned - 100s of films and talks will be listed here, with some critique or suggestions as to what maybe taken from them.
And hopefully a few others will join in what influenced them. And WHY! or in fact 'how' i suppose is more germane. As long as it is the truth. Not the people pleasing false virtue signalling version.
the true version often goes like this: "I was a selfish twat... user, manipulator and general show off..as my whole society had taught me to be since about age -9 months....so its not REALLY my fault...but i was Mr/s 'atomised'.... then i saw film X ...and then ten years on after real baptisms of fire changed me to a less Thatcherite tosser type i realised that maybe i had taken that scene from that film deep down as guideline...it maybe just nudged me a bit later on as i understood myself... " blah blah..
Nomadland by the way as a homeless smelly hobo vagrant i know for a fact is the worst film in history... because no matter how 'low' one may be - by others standards, there is a magnificent joyous energy most days, living in that mode, that i know is far far more elevating than any mere dull house dweller can ever experience - as do many of the van people over the years i have met and got to know.
Getting false victimhood, confected 'vulnerability' - i.e. the victim Olympics, OUT of the culture is absolutely categorically the prime mission. Because it fails to ...WORK...
(Rachel Kushners book Mars Room - undoubtedly best REAL book this century, has NO pity in it.... no self pity...and thus one LEARNS - we do not learn from pity)
WTF i shall figure it out as i go along