
 List ALL Tariq Ali talks the last 20 years. (soon)

Now, being the racist c word, creep, everyone is deep down, and I am quite sure even a fair few of the brown, whenever i do my little set pieces about who are the very very few wiser voices, so many times i do " many of us read Pilger in the 80s, and it was his true scholarship that more than impressed; as any GREAT investigative journalism - BOOKform should do it intimidated in that one felt small. How can any mere mortal argue their political position unless they do the truly hard diligent work JP does to seek truth from a range of sources?, and chronicles so well his journey - annotations, footnotes etc., .... such that it is believable...and then a chubby fool came along whom although his whole act was about the narcissists that took over political and corporate power - how atrocious they were because of their narcissism and other bad things about them, he made it all about HIM - his chummy character...and there were so few good annotations, footnotes, and PROOF that he had always tried to ask around a range of sources.... his name Michael Moore , almost literally the day the music died.... the day true journalism was sat on by his big fat one..."  

which is racist cuntery, even if i did deliver to my daughter soon after her 18th birthday his simply magnificent book 

But that i don't put his name above, or at least first equal with Pilger when advising a few grasshoppers i have had under my wing over the years ('grasshopper' we all knew in the days of shared lexicon, meaning the 'elder' has a duty to honestly mentor and encourage the younger person who shows promise as having a great feethinking spirit - pass on spirited truths)

Anyway tons of Tariq over the years. 

Plus (note to self = xxx = fill in later) i made a great little audio this morning 23 oct in files that demonstrates racial cuntery and why we must always do the work.... on ourselves to find the very very best of modern thought) 

And here is one of many superb examples of a man despite his age who can not only communicate better than anyone else in the West but his reasoning is the best too. 


put up

ALL Malala


My life was quite simply brutally racialised the moment i saw the panorama on her 

BBC Panorama Mala Yousafzai Shot for going to school Part1

the rest of it same channel

" oh my god...i had never thought about a Pakistani person as a human being, really .. what they as ordinary people are capable of..... i think all the time about our young people but this one shows up how no one  in my so called 'race' can even for a minute be the most extraordinary inelegant confident  orator i have ever seen..."

But then following her through her Nobel speech ( " broke my laptop... never watch anything live on the machine but i did that day and the tears flowing blew a fuse..")

Into the ONLY way we can beat the bad boys ever ... by superb self deprecating rhetoric, from 27 minutes in if it isnt worn out me watching this segment so often:

And more 

But then, there is 'their' content.

To which when i am organised i shall add my own. Because I find it sad that in the last few years in particular when i have quite deliberately sought out the views of young Pakistani men living in the UK, they always seem to have some cynicism about her. They come up with complicated clever sounding rationales of even she being some construct. Well having to have your face reconstructed would be amazingly loyal to your CIA gangmaster is a very interesting extension of the conspiracy these fools imply.

But  why cannot the 'people' - the man on the street, as in their case many even anglicised will not 'their' woman speak as equals, simplify it. "cunt...i would not be speaking with you had it not been for this young woman....child.... somehow brought into life to me that your people are my equal ... the best example ever reminding even the educated me that all people are people... and some of them despite their so called race are the best there ever were..... and thats that...before her i was never for one second interested in any Pakistani person... she changed our world for you.... cunt"

And i have a range of my own material on this tricky little subject... that i know is unique.


Mind you, thus far, no one is perfect and 'their' music is as crap as their so called religion.... way to go there. (pl)


she in the wrong job if you ask me. 

Superb talk on Islam..

but WHY.... can no one ever ever ever simplify 'this' into quite a simple little matter of 

(2014ish all the headchoppin and all that..)

"britain, America...other EU countries.... so many every year are massmurdered by alcohol.... and thats the the ones who arent actually killed as alcoholic parents can be a lifetime of a death sentence for their children unless you work very very hard to understand the fuckery your head ....sorry for every wonky 'religiously' inspired bit of madness, i do think that whitey is the one with the problem compared to brown folk utilitarian rules of keeping off the sauce...unless they are Saudi sheiks or their lackeys whoring and Johnny Walker Black Labellin through Belgravian bordellos..."

And item 2...  "weirdo body fetish all this flowing cloaks in hot Arabian deserts ... shorts far more practical, never mind weird woman control nonsense ALL of religion Cretianity just as bad in many ways... go to another hot part of the world, Boliviahhhh and no one gives you funny looks whatever gender you are wanderin down a dusty hot street wearin a string vest and shorts....

fuck off and die of overheating... or come into the 20th century, which would be a start..." etc

other day i heard at last a good (PROGRESSIVE) commentariat quip  about sadly these cultures are stuck at the year 800. I shall build up later a range of good humane commentators on all f this.